When most think about challenges in sustainability, they call to mind massive factories, or large farms using an abundant amount of chemicals. However, an unlikely source of carbon emissions comes from hospitals. In England, hospitals are responsible for about 10% of the nation’s carbon emissions, while in Brazil this number is a whopping 25%! As the world continually faces the threats of a warming climate, it is important for countries all over the world to create new laws and policies to ensure that hospitals can be environmentally friendly while also adequately meeting the needs of the people.
Many policies that aim to make hospitals more sustainable are created by international organizations such as Health Care Without Harm and the World Health Organization. These policies emphasize the need to use safer alternatives to harmful chemicals, carefully dispose of waste, use more renewable energy sources, provide healthcare in accessible locations (to reduce fuel emissions from transportation), and more. Additionally, global coalitions like the Health Care Climate Challenge support hospitals all across the world in implementing more environmentally friendly practices.
But such efforts can also be seen within specific countries. The GREEN and CLEAN hospital program in Thailand includes about 750 hospitals dispersed all over the country. The program sets benchmarks that draw attention to these hospitals’ energy use, chemical consumption, food use, waste production, and so on. One hospital in the program, the Phimai Hospital, has made an effort at being more environmentally friendly by turning their food waste to organic fertilizers to be used in gardens. In Nepal, Health Care Without Harm, the Health Environment and Climate Action Foundation, and the German Development Agency all worked together to reduce pollution caused by Nepali hospitals from waste burning. These organizations have provided hospitals with waste trackers, long-term plans, and extensive staff training while also improving waste segregation systems.
Meanwhile, US Green Building Council’s LEED for Healthcare, Australia’s Green Star for Health, the United Arab Emirate’s Estidama, and the UK’s BREEAM and NEAT are all examples of organizations that help hospitals create an environmentally friendly design. These organizations encourage hospitals to incorporate elements like day lighting, natural ventilation, and green roofs into their designs.
The challenge of making hospitals more sustainable and environmentally friendly has been taken up by countries all over the world. By continuing these efforts, our world can ensure a safer, cleaner future for generations to come.