Medicinal Marijuana: How it Works and its Benefits and Risks

The use of marijuana, or cannabis, along with other drugs like opioids is a widely debated and controversial topic around the US and all over the world. While some states have allowed it to be used recreationally, others have completely banned it; both for recreation and for medicinal use. Cannabis has been used for medical purposes for thousands of years (or more), but how does it work? Does medicinal marijuana have more pros or cons? Is it safe?

THC (delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol), a common type of marijuana, works by binding to cannabinoid receptors on neurons in the brain, similar to naturally occurring chemicals. However, THC is much more stronger than these chemicals and will last for a longer time and activate pathways that lead to the “high” people feel and cause several side effects. In medical uses, THC is used more for chronic and severe pain. It can relieve nausea in patients going through chemotherapy and stimulate appetite in patients with cancer and HIV/AIDS. It can reduce muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis and can improve sleep in people with insomnia.

On the other hand, CBD (cannabidiol) does not directly bind to the cannabinoid receptors THC binds to and instead indirectly interacts with the endocannabinoid system. For medical purposes, CBD can be used to reduce anxiety and depression, help people with epilepsy, reduce inflammation for people with arthritis, and can help with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Though there are many benefits to marijuana, there are also several side effects that can be harmful, most of which are more associated with THC than CBD. Smoking marijuana causes inflammation in a person’s airways and can cause more tar in the body than smoking tobacco can. It can also lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is damaging to the lungs. Marijuana also can lead to liver damage, especially when used at the same time as alcohol. THC can also weaken the immune system, both in the short-term and in the long-term. While CBD is generally more tolerated and is non-addicting, some common side effects are a dry mouth, fatigue, and diarrhea.

In 2018, Congress passed the Agricultural Improvement Act, which made hemp legal as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. However states in the US have their own laws on CBD and THC, as well as how regulated they are for medicinal and recreational uses. Below is a map of the legality of cannabis in each state from the CDC. Federally, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, which is the classification for drugs that are most likely to be abused and are not accepted for medical use. However, regulations are different from state to state, and there is a movement from many politicians to reschedule marijuana to a Schedule II or Schedule III drug. Schedule II drugs have high potential for abuse but are accepted for a few medical uses, and Schedule III drugs have a moderate to low potential for abuse and addiction (there are five total categories/schedules). This would make the FDA have to approve or deny all marijuana products, and there would be a question of what would happen to recreational users, like those facing federal prosecution. Those against rescheduling argue that it would be give easier access to people who could become addicted or abuse marijuana, and that it would downplay the risks or marijuana.

So, while marijuana can be helpful for patients suffering from destructive conditions, it can also end up being very harmful for someone’s mind and body. Although CBD is usually safer to use than THC, all types of marijuana can damage a person’s body.


CDC. “Cannabis Frequently Asked Questions.” U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Feb. 2024,

DEA. “Drug Scheduling.”, Drug Enforcement Agency, 10 July 2018,

Dickson, Kennedy, et al. “CANNABINOID CONUNDRUM:: A STUDY of MARIJUANA and HEMP LEGALITY in the UNITED STATES.” Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, vol. 10, no. 20, 2019, pp. 132–150,

NIDA. “Cannabis (Marijuana) DrugFacts.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 24 Dec. 2019,

Office of Public Affairs. “Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana.”, 16 May 2024,

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