Plastic is everywhere. We use it for storage, packaging, bottles, cars, toys, cooking materials, office tools, and so many others. Plastic is so integrated into our daily lives, […]
The Controversy of Drug Testing on Animals
So many medicines, household products, skincare and beauty products, and soaps are tested first on animals before being sold for human use. Rabbits, guinea pigs, monkeys, and dogs […]
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
In today’s world, technology is everywhere. Everyone is aware that today, there are very few things that are done without the use of a device. We use it […]
Can AI be Used to Find Causation in Malpractice?
Nowadays, AI is everyone. We hear about it on social media and the news, and a lot of the time it is being used without us even knowing […]
Medicinal Marijuana: How it Works and its Benefits and Risks
The use of marijuana, or cannabis, along with other drugs like opioids is a widely debated and controversial topic around the US and all over the world. While […]
The Healthcare Systems of the US and Mexico
The healthcare systems of the United States and Mexico are very different, with both of them having their own advantages and drawbacks. Although both countries have federal programs […]
False Claims Act
The False Claims Act (FCA), also known as the “Lincoln Law” is a law that originally came from the Civil War. Many suppliers to the Union would give […]
SDOH: Social and Community Life
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are the conditions in which someone lives in that affects their overall well-being. One of these is one’s social/community life, which is a […]
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
Social determinants of health are the conditions of where someone is born, grows, travels around, lives, and ages. These are grouped into 5 domains: Economic stability, education, healthcare, […]